Sunday, 31 March 2019

Helping glaucoma with natural therapies

Firstly, I need to point out that I am not an eye surgeon or optometrist. Yet I have had first-hand experience with glaucoma.

There are a few types of glaucoma, namely:
   primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) – the most common type, which I will base this topic around; normal tension glaucoma (NTG);
   low tension glaucoma (LTG); pseudo-exfoliation glaucoma (PEX);
   narrow angle glaucoma – intermittent narrowing of the angle.

The topic is complex, so this is a brief overview of how natural therapies can help POAG.

Global research has not produced a cure yet. However, I feel there will eventually be one, with stem cell therapy being the answer.

Meanwhile, globally, every sufferer is managing the disorder, some with success, others not so successfully.

Image result for image of glaucoma

I have spent much time researching POAG and my personal journey took me to the USA with hope that micro-current frequency devices could assist. However, it did not lower my intraocular pressure. A device attached to it, called a ‘transducer’, was to help regenerate cells, but I am not sure if this was happening over the eight months of using it.

But my journey was not futile, since I discovered I had intermittent narrowing of the angles, particularly in the left eye, which six local doctors in Sydney had been unable to see. Due to the fact it was a ‘mechanical’ issue (as Americans refer to it), no remedy would help it except a laser procedure called peripheral iridotomy (PI), which is specifically for opening the angles. Since no Australian doctor would accept the diagnosis or be willing to conduct PI, I had to fly back to the US for it six weeks later. I am told that intermittent narrowing of the angle is difficult to detect, yet the US doctor saw it immediately and so did the doctor who performed the PI.

At the time people said ‘he’ could be wrong considering six local doctors disputed it, but I knew otherwise. The slight intermittent ache I had experienced for many months in the left eye was resolved with the PI procedure and to date has not returned. The ache was a sign that the angle was narrowing, and you don’t want the angle to close because sight is lost when this occurs.

I had experienced head trauma 46 years ago due to a car accident, and this caused damage to tiny lymph channels which the doctor detected, along with peripheral anterior synechia (PAS), which is often present after physical trauma.

I am pleased that I traveled to the US, since a laser, called an SLT, would not have opened the angles. SLT is commonly used to assist with aqueous drainage to help lower intra-ocular pressure (IOP). All laser procedures for various eye disorders perform specific things, and it is important that you receive the correct type for your particular disorder and symptoms.

I must stress that if two dozen people were diagnosed with POAG, they would all have manifested it due to different circumstances – aside from a genetic tendency – such as through physical head/eye trauma, metabolic problems or conventional drugs. I feel the hormonal changes in midlife also play a role, which is often considered an ‘ageing disorder’, but I don’t agree with this.

I have learned a lot about glaucoma, having observed my own body and how it has responded. I measure my IOP daily using a non-contact tonometer. Glaucoma is not caused by the IOP; this only plays a part in contributing to damage to the optic nerve.

I agree that people with ocular hypertension for a lengthy period of time, without remedial action, could progress to optic nerve damage and glaucoma, but there are many other factors that contribute to the disorder. Even the world’s experts are baffled about some aspects of glaucoma, especially when it comes to helping those with low or normal tension glaucoma.

Conventional treatment

Laser or glaucoma eye drops help with lowering the IOP and improve aqueous fluid drainage. However there are many side effects with the drops. For some fortunate people they are minor, but many others suffer both systemically and locally, despite diligently following the directions which the doctor explains. SLT is not long lasting and the range I am told is 6 months up to 5 years.  Really depends on person’s overall health and chronicity of the glaucoma.  I also feel the skills of the doctor and whether he treats a third of the eye or 360 deg. SLT is repeatable.  Some eyes can only tolerate approximately 3 treatments, others several.

Types of glaucoma drops

Prostaglandin analogues (PA) appear to be the most popular. Australia does not have as wide a selection as the US or Europe and it took time for us to have drops free of the preservative BAK, which can be an irritant, although this is controversial.

My observations were that this kind of drop interacts with the endocrine (hormonal) system, because I had a long list of side effects. Liver enzymes doubled in two-and-a-half weeks, I experienced IBS-like symptoms, was sore and bloated, had brain fog, was weepy, depressed and fatigued, had excessive thirst, a craving chocolate after lunch, (Traditional Chinese Medicine use a 24 hour clock that indicates which organ system is active), approximately between 1 and 3pm is the small intestine, this is when the sweet craving was uncontrollable, the pancreas was being challenged.  Also I developed sinusitis and headaches. 

Beta blockers (BB) – can interfere with cardio and respiratory system, but medical people may dispute this. These drugs can cause shortness of breath, asthmatic type symptoms, dizziness and fatigue. I knew of one man who had a seizure, yet had no history of seizures and was in good health prior to taking the drugs.

Timolol is a beta blocker, which can cause impotence. A man advised me that his eye doctor had said it doesn’t matter if he became impotent since he was 65 and not about to father children.

Alpha agonists decrease production of fluid and increase drainage. They contain pruite as a preservative, which breaks down into a natural tear component and is often better tolerated. I have heard of some respiratory issues with this medication

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors reduce IOP by decreasing production of intraocular fluid. They can affect the kidneys.

Sometimes combined medications are offered.

The aqueous fluid (AF) serves the purpose of providing nutrients, amino acids and glucose for the blood-deficient ocular tissues, posterior cornea, trabecular mesh work, lens and anterior vitreous.  So if some glaucoma drops reduce the AF, how does that impact on the eye over the years regarding nutrition?

If you have glaucoma, I recommend you thoroughly research the type of eye drop that you have been prescribed.

The problem is, there are realistically only these two treatment options - laser of drops.  Worse cases would require general surgery, but a doctor advised me that there is a 50/50 chance of sight loss after surgery!

Things that can increase ocular pressure are:

 Related image

Computer screens, TVs, staring at any machinery for too long, eye strain and working in bright lights or dull lighting. In some cases pressure can be increased by aerobics, Zumba classes, weightlifting, running and, jogging.

There are restrictions with some yoga and Pilates exercises, of which some Pilate instructors are unaware. You must never do Pilates roll-down exercises (placing the head low towards the knees), nor leg raises, nor head stands in yoga nor the plank. Some fitness instructors appear to lack understanding of appropriate exercises for people with glaucoma. Also avoid sports where you may encounter head impact or too much jumping or over exertion.

Avoid very hot drinks, soups and meals; eat just warm to cool in all cases. Over spicy food and other stimulants, gusty winds, small tight swimming goggles (use Aqua Sphere as they don’t impede circulation), diving into pools and scuba diving. coffee, no more than 3 black/green teas daily.

Heavy metal toxicity must be resolved. One young man had excessive level of arsenic. He had been a welder and at age 32 was diagnosed with POAG. It’s so important to get these levels down, even if you take the glaucoma drops, otherwise damage can occur at the cellular level despite medication.

Common pressure raisers are eating, drinking, stress, anxiety and fear. Also adrenal and thyroid fatigue, blood sugar problems and excessively high or low blood pressure. There is a ratio between IOP and blood pressure.

What helps stabilise or lower IOP?

Meditation, good sleep, lymphaciser (not in all people), walking, gentle yoga (stretches, no leg raises), warm temperature foods and drinks, palming (palms over eyes), head/facial/neck lymph drainage, anti-glare glasses, wearing black lens sunglasses, having fun with friends/family, reading in natural light (preferably black font on white paper) especially after meals, swinging exercises and various eye exercises to work tight muscles and destress the eyes. Some people find relief with bed elevation.

Natural Therapies

There are no ready-made formulas on the market for glaucoma.

Both Chinese and Western herbal medicine assess the metabolism of the person. They have slightly different approaches, but agree that the liver and gall bladder play huge roles. 

Improving digestion is important for supporting the endocrine system, central nervous system and brain.

It would require several functional lab tests to assess the current state of health of a person. Only then would remedies be selected.

Helpful can be homeopathics, herbal remedies including Chinese herbs, various supplements and perhaps probiotics and enzymes to optimise gut integrity and function. Topical homeopathics may be applied to the vision centre.

Balancing hormones is very important. It is necessary to assess levels of iodine and all vital nutrients. Vitamin C is mentioned on ‘Dr Google’, but may not be appropriate, since I’ve noted that it can relax the tissues, and if you have damage to tiny lymph channels, this can increase the pressure, since they struggle to drain.

Optimising nutrition for the eye/brain is vital, regardless of taking glaucoma medication or receiving laser treatment.

I often show people simple head, facial and neck exercises that can help with drainage, including lymph drainage. 

This is a very complex disorder, and what helps one person may not help another.

If you opt for conventional medications, you can still employ natural remedies. Since the drops are to lower pressure and open up drainage channels or reduce aqueous fluid, they do not provide any antioxidant properties or anti-inflammatory action or aid cellular integrity, nor help with the entire metabolism.

The complexity of the disorder means we must tailor-make remedies, and they will change over time.

I had two-and-a-half weeks of distress with one eye drop, so I created an herbal eye rinse to counteract the local inflammation and it worked perfectly.

After this experience I had weekly acupuncture treatments for almost 20 months, which brought the IOP down from 42/44 to 19/19. I was fastidious with what I consumed and my types of activities. But after all this good work, drugs for an unrelated general surgery increased the IOP to high 50s hence the US visit.  I do not use glaucoma drops due to dreadful side effects and support the past laser with all natural therapies including Bowen therapy and acupressure points.

Presently I do not have acupuncture. In Australia it is illegal to treat glaucoma with acupuncture, however, as always we treat the person not the named disease and this is what we did.

Since I wrote this article I would like to point out that my IOP has stablised after SLT waking with either 11 - 13 IOP in both eyes.  Other facets of my eyes are also stable when comprehensive tests are conducted.  My eye doctor is open to all that I do and interested which makes an enormous difference.  I continually support my brain and eyes with all relevant nutrients, herbs and homoepathics (yes they do work!!) to ensure my entire endocrine, digestive and nervous system is balanced.  Being active, I do not have an issue with sluggish lymphatics as some people may experience. 

I find Bowen therapy gently frees up energy in the body similar to acupuncture and thereby assists with ongoing re balancing of the body on all levels.  Since the SLT my colleague feels that acupuncture should not be performed unless emergencies with any other physical accidents.  She feels that the acupuncture can interfere with the SLT laser.  I trust her in this decision with her 40 years of experience in TCM.

If you would like help in re-balancing the entire metabolism and ongoing support with both herbal and homoeopathic remedies to stabalise the eyes including vital nutrients along with heavy metal testing and treatments. please contact me on 0403 231 804 or email

Warning:  Please do see a glaucoma specialist, do NOT rely on natural therapies alone

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